Desperate V walking proudly out of her leather-and-chain filled faux closet to little shock or bewilderment. Was her obvious plea for attention meant to be surprising? B still rocking her new brunette locks; although blonde suits her level of intelligence far better. T turning a set of (appropriately colored purple) candles into the latest fashion “don’t”.
Gossip Girl
Vanessa is not desperate and she's not fakeing being bi. What the fuck did she ever do to you?
Agree with Anon, V is not desperate, -inspired- is, she is the one who leaked the story to get attention.
You should really call these "Spotted" instead of "Sightings". On the show she always says "Spotted, B and S blah blah blah"
As much as I love the concept of the narrated 'Spotted' portions on the television show, I actually chose to stick closer to the novel series.
Maybe I'll mix it up in the future...
Gossip Girl
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