Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gossip Girl Profile: PerezStarGossip

Name: Perez

Title: Queen of Stardoll Gossip

Claim to Fame: Gossip Pioneer, Owner of Perez Hilton of Stardoll, The Sweet Escape Club, and The Gossip Boutique, Feuds with Fakeshake3 and Style_Magazine.

Similar to the likes her real-life counterpart, Perez has had more of an enormous impact on Stardoll then many might realize. Before Queen P (quite a fitting title) took her throne, the world of Stardoll gossip ceased to exist as we know it now. Feuds were scarce, scandals were almost nonexistent, and a group of young, gorgeously vain, and fabulously dressed dolls known as the “Elites” were on the rise. In the mist of their rise to fame, not a single conceited Elite could have anticipated that one of their own would turn against them to become the ultimate, all-seeing insider.

Therein lies the creation, or birth if you will, of the mysterious doppelganger that is PerezStarGossip. Following her astonishing rise to the summit of Stardoll fame, she became one of the most equally loved and despised characters our Paperdoll Heaven has ever seen.

While Queen P’s retirement is seemingly inevitable, her legacy will surely live on in all of those who hold Stardoll dear to their very hearts.

You Know We Love You.


Gossip Girl


Dei said...

Damn - you're good

leah said...

kiss up

Tasnimc said...

So true.....

Cam said...

Fact: Stardoll would not be the crazy effed up website it is (or was) without Perez. And I say that with all the love possible.

Anonymous said...

am i the only one who hated her? shes as fake as press on nailz biotches

PerezStarGossip said...

Lol I have a feeling you're going to get shit for this! And no "Anonymous", you're definitely not the only one who hated me kitten! :D:D

Unknown said...

You're a great writer, I must say.

Britney said...

Perez is the Queen indeed. And you were dead on about her impact on Stardoll - the reason ANYONE has a blog nowadays is thanks to her!


Poser_DUH -Shauna- said...


Anonymous said...

You should check out Puccapo's blog. She posted new images from TeenStyle!!

leah said...

Anonymous AKA Puccapo, no one cares.

Anonymous said...

^ was just about to say the exact same thing.

Alexandria. said...

Why give us a profile for a person we already know.. and then some? My advice is this:
Do not waste time profiling the known and shift your primary focus to the unknown. They are more interesting, to say the least.
Profiling = very good idea. The execution of this idea? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

Perez = Old Queen, we're in need of a new one.

Gossip Girl said...

In all honesty 'Alexandria', I was looking to do nothing more then give the Queen a proper sendoff. She's not going to be with us much longer, so I took advantage of that exact fact and decided to make her profile.

I'm quite open to your suggestions, so feel free to ask me to profile certain members.

Gossip Girl

Anonymous said...

LOL so what if puccapo wants attention? let her.

Alexandria. said...

Thank you for taking my suggestion into consideration. :)

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Perez is amazing and I agree, the only reason blogs became such a massive part of Stardoll was because she made it happen, she made all of this possible.

She amazed and still amazes me.


hannahrox. said...

Anonymous said...
Perez = Old Queen, we're in need of a new one.
July 31, 2009 4:48 AM

seriously GG no more anonymous comments! lol we get it, you want to be the "new queen" let's see if you can actually achieve it.

Rose Dawson said...

You are an amazing writer. =O
Love to read the blog.