Friday, July 31, 2009

New Trend Alert?

Has ‘B’ started a new trend? Ever since rumors of her possible involvement with that closet-case T have circulated, the latest and greatest accessory to the female Fashionista has simply been a gay. The newest victim to this positively brilliant craze is C-Lister Maria (Mimi_Mami), who was spotted sipping lattes at the trendy Miam-Miam Café with none other then the too-fierce-to-be-straight M.

Remember ladies: Behind every Male Elite is a gorgeous hag.


Gossip Girl


Mario Dodovski said...

I am too fierce to be anything! xD
Kidding :P Lol at the post. No comment :D

Gossip Girl said...

Oh, M.

You are too fierce for words. I rather enjoy that about you; you are not as afraid as some to be who you truly are.

It is refreshing.

Gossip Girl

Anonymous said...

whats a hag and wtf does everyone keep using it?

talkzi1213 said...

Haha, my laugh for the day.

Anonymous said...

lmfao - every girl needs a gay!

Gay Dictionary said...

@ Anonymous
Hag, as in "fag hag" is one of two things: 1. The female best friend of a gay man, 2. Used synonymously with the term "beard", a female who pretends to be dating a gay man so that he can fake being straight.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

It's so true, every hot gay has a hag.


Girl with a Lightning Scar said...

This article made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh too.